Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD is committed to protecting and upholding the right of privacy of participants, staff and management. Thisability WA Services PTY LTD protects the privacy of individuals in the way information is collected, stored and the use of this information. Staff and management are consistent and careful in the way they manage what is written and said about individuals and how they decide who can see or hear this information.


Management of Participant’s Information

Participant records will be confidential to participants and staff only directly engaged in the delivery of service to the participant. Information about participants may only be made available to other parties with the consent of the participant. All participant records will be kept on a securely protected database that is restricted to staff members directly engaged in the delivery of service to the participant. Participant paper records will be kept securely in a locked filing cabinet in the office of the Director.


Management of Your Personnel File

Your records will be confidential to management. You can request access to your file by notifying the Director. All your records are kept on a securely protected database, or in a securely locked filing cabinet.


Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD commits to providing EEO to all prospective and current staff, promoting a fair and equal work environment. Thisability WA Services PTY LTD chooses the best person for the job regardless of race, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status family responsibility, religious or political beliefs.


Risk Management Policy

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD have established and maintained a Risk Management Plan, NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators. This plan identifies and addresses the risk to;

  • Staff, including lack of suitably qualified staff, extended staff illness, staff injury due to WHS risks.
  • Participants, including environmental, fire, falls, transport, staff working in Participant’s home, interruptions to service delivery.

The Organisation, including loss of funding, inability to deliver funded outcomes within budget, lack suitably qualified staff, extended staff illness, damage to reputation and relationships.


Risk Management Procedure

Identify the hazard and risk, assess and report the hazard and risk, monitor and maintain participant/staff safety. Document circumstance of hazard/risk and evaluate the resolution of hazard incident.


Continuous Improvement Policy

Staff and participants can give feedback or make a complaint.

Our collaborative and person centred approach means that Thisability WA Services PTY LTD will respond to information to improve the services provided.

Our policy is to seek feedback from participants. Feedback may lead to changes in procedures and processes. We aim for a high-quality service that meets the need of our participants. You are an integral part of this, so we will seek information from you and give you feedback on your practices.



The Management Team recognises that participants on occasion, like to give gifts to staff. You can only take a gift that can be shared by other staff. Money is not to be accepted under any circumstances.


Complaints and Feedback Policy

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD welcome complaints and feedback from you, participants, family and visitors. A complaint and feedback form can be submitted to the Director. Any complaint or feedback is encouraged, and any individual has a right to make comments in a blame-free, resolution-focused culture, respecting the right to privacy and confidentiality.

All staff members are made aware of the existence of the Complaint / Feedback form. As a member of staff, you must offer to document a complaint on behalf of a participant (if required) and refer the matter to management. Participants have been advised of their rights to take their complaint to wherever and whomever they feel comfortable and will be offered an independent advocate (if required).



  • If a complaint is about Support or Services will be dealt with by management. 
  • If the complaint is about a Staff Member will be dealt with by management.
  • If the complaint is about Management, an external person or body may be approached (see Complaints policy for more information).
    Do not discuss complaints with anyone who does not have responsibility for resolving the issue.


Reportable Incidents, Accidents and Emergencies Policy

This policy seeks to minimise risk and prevent incidents with appropriate participant care plans, assessment and review. Staff compliance is monitored, and ongoing training is given. At Orientation, all staff will have a complete run-through of the procedures involved when an incident occurs. The correct procedures to take when dealing with an incident is documented in the Staff Induction Checklist.

Reportable Incidents are serious incidents or allegations which result in serious harm to an NDIS participant. These incidents must be notified immediately to management for recording and reporting. Notify the NDIS Commission within 24 hours of:

  • The death of an NDIS participant
  • Serious injury of an NDIS participant
  • Abuse or neglect of an NDIS participant
  • Unlawful sexual or physical contact with or assault of an NDIS participant 
  • Sexual misconduct committed against or in the presence of an NDIS participant, including grooming of an NDIS participant for sexual activity
  • The unauthorised use of restrictive practice in relation to an NDIS participant.


What is Restrictive practice?

Restrictive practice includes seclusion and chemical, mechanical, physical and environmental restraints


Working with Children (Child Protection Policy)

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD recognises that prevention is the best protection from abuse and neglect.

All staff have a duty of care to implement prevention strategies.

If you are working in a Risk-Assessed Role, you must have current clearances and criminal record checks.

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD as a mandatory reporter is required to report any indicators to the Manager, who will follow the required State reporting processes.



Reportable Incidents; this refers to serious incidents or allegations which result in serious harm to an NDIS participant. These incidents must be notified immediately to management.


A report must be made if:

  • A participant shows a change in behaviour or mood that may indicate they are being abused.
  • You observe someone behaving towards a participant in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • A participant tells you that another person is abusing them.
  • A person tells you that they are abusing a participant.
  • A participant or visitor tells you that they have observed abusive acts.
  • You observe an action or inaction that may be considered abusive.
  • You suspect or have any reason to believe a participant is being abuse

Please Note: Failure to report an abusive situation may result in a Criminal Offence.

Assistance with Medication

Manager will speak with participants and complete an assessment regarding medication needs. Where we have concerns about the participant’s ability to safely manage medication, a Self Administration of Medication assessment must be completed. Only staff with relevant qualifications can deliver medication.

Work Health Safety and Environmental Management Policy

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD have established and will maintain systems for WHS discussion to enable staff to contribute to decisions affecting their health, safety and welfare at work.

It is intended that as an outcome of this policy:

  • Prevention of risk of injury to workers and others.
  • Consult with workers about the risk management process.
    Establish and maintain safe work systems.
  • WHS training will be available for you and will be updated according to current regulatory WHS requirements.

Workers are required to follow the procedures in this policy, including

  • Use of personal protective equipment such as gloves and enclosed shoes.  Only use approved chemicals and products.
  • Only use approved equipment in the method required.
  • Inform management when the doctor has diagnosed short-term infectious illness.
  • Complete Hazard Reports, as required.

Agreements, Assessments and Support Plans/ Care Plans

This policy focuses on the participant’s outcomes and how we will undertake a collaborative approach with the participant and all the relevant parties. The participants are the focus of this plan, and all aspects of it are designed with the participant’s needs, interests and aspirations as the focus. The following processes are undertaken:

  • Assessments are undertaken prior to commencement.
  • The Manager or their delegate conduct all assessments face-to-face with the participant and/or their representative/advocate.
  • Assessment interview time/s are arranged by telephone. The participant is informed that they have the opportunity to have their representative to be present if required or desired.
  • An interpreter and information in the participant’s language will be sourced if their background and language require these services.
  • During the assessment process, explain to the participant – information on the collection and use of information, privacy and confidentiality considerations and advocacy is detailed at this time.
  • The Manager. reviews the completed assessments. Areas of independence and identified needs form the basis of discussing support.
  • Developing a support plan is a consultative process between all relevant parties. Once the support plan has been determined, and the participant is happy, then he or she can sign off on the plan and issue a copy to the participant.
  • Staff record the participant’s goals and aspirations. These goals and aspirations will focus on the participant as an individual, be flexible and subject to change depending on progress and other factors. Records will include personal goals and aspirations, unique skills and strengths and promote independence.
  • Staff will collect information during their work with participants. This evidence-based information is recorded to ensure the service delivery meets current needs, interests and aspirations.
  • Assessments will be conducted in the future to ensure needs continue to be met. Support plans are reviewed regularly to ensure that the participants are continuing to receive relevant supports. If it becomes evident that supports should be adjusted, then we will consult with participants and representatives. Reviews will occur as required.

Continuity of Support

This policy is to manage and provide participants with the continuous support Manager will arrange schedules to suit your availability. Manager will pair you with participants that match your skills and knowledge.

If you have a second language or relate to a cultural group, then Manager may link you to participants who seek workers with these attributes. Consideration is given to your home location during the work allocation process. Thisability WA Services PTY LTD will place you close to home if feasible.

Staff are allocated to a participant regularly to allow for predictability and provide continuous support. All supports are linked to the participant’s plan and demonstrate consistency with their preferences and needs.

What will happen if the participant’s worker is absent?

  • Thisability WA Services PTY LTD will contact staff with relevant qualifications as a suitable replacement
  • Where possible, provide a staff member who has worked with the participant previously and is aware of the participant’s requirements.
  • Where possible, advise the participant of replacement staff and
    Gather feedback on the replacement staff member.
  • Replacement staff are required to be sensitive to the participant’s needs and ensure that care is consistent with your expressed preferences

Networking and Community Engagement

Thisability WA Services PTY LTD will engage with networks and local communities to ensure that our participants have opportunities to be involved in activities and areas of interest. We will access networks such as religious groups, local ethnic communities or groups that you wish to engage with. We believe that it is essential for participants to be part of their community. If the employees have links to any networks and communities, please contact Manager

Training and Personal Development

All staff are required to keep up-to-date with their knowledge and skills related to their job roles. For some staff, this will require ensuring that they maintain currency and registration in relevant professional bodies.

All staff will undergo an Annual Performance Review. This process allows us to match your performance to your job description, feedback from participants, services delivered and the quality of your work. You will have the opportunity to be involved, and give feedback in your review. This process may lead to:

  • Additional training.
  • Promotion.
  • Increased wages.
  • Increased hours.
  • Improvement to our policies and practices.

If you wish to expand your knowledge and undertake professional training courses, then you should contact the Manager to discuss training options.

First Aid qualifications are part of your job role (see First Aid). Training in Work Health and Safety areas such as fire safety and manual handling may be undertaken on an annual basis.